Hey everyone........God is really awesome and He is moving in a mighty way here at the church. We are currently preaching in the 10:45 service on the subject of ignite. This is a series about what it takes to be used by God. Like everything meaningful in life there is a cost that has to be paid if one is going to be used by God. It is not enough to come to church and go through the motion and then have God use you in a mighty way. If we are going to walk in the anointing of God then you have to be willing to pay the price for that anointing. This series has help us here at the church take a close look at ourselves and ask the questions "In my life where I have placed God on my list of importance?" "When pressure comes, temptation how do I react?". Through this we have learned that our conviction and stance can not waver but must remain strong in what God has called us to do. If you would like to listen to any of these messages you can go to our website and listen at your computer, download, or listen on your Ipod.