To know the will of God there are two things that you have know: first you have to know the Permanent will of God. These are the things that God has will to happen that nothing will change. Ex. the second coming of Jesus is known by God and when He is ready for it to take place it will happen. To know God's will you have to be mindful of what He is up to in this world. Second you have to know the Moral will of God. This is what does God expect from you. You will never know the will of God for your personal life if you are living outside the Moral will of God. God's personal will for your life lies somewhere between His Permanent will and His moral will and the more you know about those then then more you can discern what God has for you. Finding the will of God is about knowing God. For more infomation on this subject you can go to the South Decatur Church website and listen to