Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Living in the Dip

In recent weeks I have been doing a series on Habakkuk and what you do when God seems to be unfair. Habakkuk is one of 12 minor prophets in the Bible and though all give the people God's response only Habakkuk responses to God on behalf of the people. In chapter 1 Habakkuk cries "foul" when God informs him that He is going to use the more wicked Babylonians to bring judgment on Israel for their wickness. Habakkuk knows that the people should be judged but he believes that it is unfair that God is using Babylon who is evil to bring said judgment. In chapter two Habakkuk listens to God and writes down what God shares with Him and decides to trust in God. This is what we refer to as the dip, living in a place where you trust God but you just don't understand what He is doing. I mean you pray but rather than the answer coming it seems that things get worse. Living in the Dip.
How do you survive living in the dip? That is where chapter 3 comes in. In chapter 3 Habakkuk begins to praise God even though he can see any change. He says "though the fig tree is bare, and the stables are empty, I will rejoice in the Lord". The attitude of praise even in the mist of struggle is what brings Habakkuk through the dip. I have found this true in my own life. As I look back over 20 years of serving God I realize that He has brought me through enough of my yesterdays, for me to trust Him completly for my tommorrows.

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