Hello all you
I was in a conversation the other day with another pastor about how that his church was about to do away with Sunday night service. He made the statement that it was a sign of the times and that he felt before long all churches would do a way with Sunday night service. That got me to thinking, Do we really need less Church? Is that what people in the church think? I mean we say it is so we can spend more time with our family, but lets face it most people spend it on the golf course or at the mall, and when was going to church not a family affair anyway. DON'T GIVE ME LESS, BUT GIVE ME MORE.
I know at South Decatur God is blowing the doors off of our church and some of the most powerful services that we have is on Sunday Night. Our crowds are great and with the
tremendous growth that we are seeing in the church these days there is no way we are going to get rid of Sunday night church. I have found when you have people that are excited about what God is doing and that spirit of excitement comes together with the Power of the Holy Spirit then anything is possible. God has blowing our church up, and it is awesome to see all the things that are happening.
Last week Pastor Lynn did her first Women's Conference here at the church and that girl brought the house down every night. I mean there were women in the altar crying out to God, and the Lord moved in people lives. Pastor Lynn preached truth and the truth set people free...... What God is doing at South Decatur is exciting and it is powerful, and it is one of those things where you just can't wait to come to church. During September we have had our "See Your At Church" campaign and we are seeing record numbers coming every week. We are getting ready for Homecoming 2007 October 7 and I really don't know where we are going to put everyone. If you are ever in the Decatur area then drop by and see for