Wednesday, September 12, 2007

How Time Flies

I was looking at my children the other day, I have three by the way, and thinking how fast time has gone. I can remember what seems like just the other day bringing each of them home from the hospital. Now I am the father of three teenagers, though Ashley is about to be 20. Where has time gone? In the book of James he declares that "life is but a vapor", it is here today and gone tomorrow. As I thought about my children and how fast they have growth up, it once again made me realize just how every day is precious. The truth of the matter is that we have few days to make a difference in this life, and we shouldn't waste any of them. God has given us life, and in that life He has given us the ability to fulfill a destiny. I heard it said once that the average person lives to be 75, that means 75 Springs, 75 Summer, 75 Falls and 75 Winters, and that is all you have. Being almost 40 I realized that more than half of my seasons are gone, and I need to make the most of the second half. Life is a journey and we have to make the most of every step along the way. What are you doing to fulfill your destiny? What are you doing to make a difference in your life? How many more seasons will you have? Time is marching on and so take time today to make a difference.

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