The World is a very large place, and so when we talk about missions it is easy for us to get overwhelmed by the mere magnitude of it all. I mean really how is someone in Decatur Alabama suppose to make a different in Kenya ,Africa? The truth of the matter is that when God specks to us about going into all the world that is exactly what He means. So many people think that all they have to do is give money to missionaries, which is important, and they have done all that God has required. What they don't understand is that God has equip us all to take the gospel into our world. I mean let's face it we all live in the world and so when He says go into all the world that is what He mean, GO. Go to your neighbors, go down the street, go to work telling them about Jesus. What ever you do just go. God never said that we had to go around the world but just that we had to go in the world around us. We are suppose to taking the word of God to a dying world that is in need of Him and the only way that can happen is if we go and do what God has called us to do. GO
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