Tuesday, June 10, 2008
How do you let her go?
Saturday June 7th at 3pm I had to do one of the hardest things I guess any father hasever had to do. I walked my little girl (now 21) up the aisle and gave her to another man. The truth is, he is a good young man, a hard worker, loves Jesus and loves Ashley. But to be honest as a dad that really doesn't make it any easier when you walk her up the aisle and give her away, and Oh yea did I mention that I had to do the ceremony as well. When I watched her that day I kept thinking where has time gone. I mean just yesterday I was taking her to school for the very first time, and now I am walking up the aisle about to turn her over to another man. Where did all that time go? How did the little girl who had defined my life for two decades, all of the sudden grow up? How does a father turn over all that he has done for twenty years over to someone else? I mean when she is scared it is not me that she is going to come to. When she needs a strong shoulder to cry on, mine will not be the first that she looks for. When it comes to taking care of her I'm not the one responsible anymore. I know that her time has come and that she is ready for this new life. My prayer is that God will bless them in ways that they never imagined, but it still leads me to wonder, how does a father let her go? Stay tuned because I am about to find out.
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1 comment:
ok, so this definitely without a doubt made me cry. Actually it made me bawl, but I'll just say cry to save face. I love you so very much daddy and I have enjoye every minute of being your little girl. Now I can just be your big one.
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