Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Living in the Dip
How do you survive living in the dip? That is where chapter 3 comes in. In chapter 3 Habakkuk begins to praise God even though he can see any change. He says "though the fig tree is bare, and the stables are empty, I will rejoice in the Lord". The attitude of praise even in the mist of struggle is what brings Habakkuk through the dip. I have found this true in my own life. As I look back over 20 years of serving God I realize that He has brought me through enough of my yesterdays, for me to trust Him completly for my tommorrows.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
How do you let her go?
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
New Style-Same Spirit

What if a church could be as Paul said "all things to all men"? What if we could reach every generation? If we could do church in such a way that it would reach across generational lines? What if we could reach "church people" and "non-Church people"? Well maybe there is a way that we can.
Here at the church we are beginning something brand new. You see I do believe that it is time that the church try new things to reach the unchurched people in our community. So starting June 14th on a Saturday night we are going to have what we call a Revolution Service. Yes we are going to have Christian Rock music to worship to, blue jeans and t-shirts will be the main attire, and we will be using more media than ever before. Our goal is to create a church experience for people that don't like church. In doing this we believe that we can draw a generation of people that would never come to church any other way.
At the same time we are not going to just change everything we do, just so we can say we changed. Sunday morning we have a somewhat contemporary style worship and that service will remain intact for our growing congregation. You see I truly believe that a church should be a place where everyone is being reached with the gospel. I ask that you pray as we step out on faith to add this service to our weekend experience.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
What does the True Church Look Like?
(1) The True Church is about being a Contributor not a Consumer.
In this Consumer driven society that we live in we find where many people have come with that same attitude to the church. They want to know what the church can do for them. What does the church have to offer me and my family? What can I expect from the church? If I become a member then what do I get in return? Sometimes I wonder if the church should advertise free toaster oven for every new member. I mean when the church become about us. I understand this if someone is not a follower of Christ. We want them to consume what we have because they need Jesus but for those that claim to have a relationship with Him there is something wrong. The church does exist for us but rather we exist for the world that needs Jesus. As members of the church we should be looking to contribute to the welfare of this world by sharing Jesus no matter what the cost.
(2) I has discovered that the church is a dangerous place. The message and presence of Jesus is the most dangerous that the status quo can run into. Because in the presence of Jesus there must be change. When confronted with the message of Jesus there is a call for change. The church is suppose to be a place where people are changing, and being transformed into the image of Christ. The church is not suppose to be a safe place where when you step in it is as if you have walked into a time warp and are back 50 ago. It is a place where change is happening and where people are maturing and growing in Christ everyday.
(3) The Church is suppose to be place of life and death. A place where Jesus is alive in everything that we do and the flesh is dying. A place where it is so important that everybody is happy but that Jesus is happy. A place that is not controlled by the will of men but the will of God. A place that is ruled by faith, where love is the answer, and where mercy is freely given. A place where people can always find the truth even when the truth is not popular. A place where Jesus is being lifted up in everything that is done.
These are the things I have discovered about the true church. There are more but time does not allow me to discuss them all.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Roadside Assistance

For the last several weeks I have been preaching about blind Bartimaeus. Some things that I have brought out over the last few weeks:
(1) Jesus doesn't just stop because there is a need but He stops when there is someone that is crying out for Him. Jesus said "Ask and ye shall receive"..... "those that hunger and thirst, shall be filled". If we are going to receive something awesome from God then we have to be willing to cry out and get the attention of Jesus as He is passing us by (which is all the time).
(2) We will meet opposition from people when we cry out for more of God, and it is how we respond that will determining what we get from God. They told Bartimaeus to shut-up but the bible says that he cried the more. He got louder and louder. His need causes him to break social order, it caused him to be controversial, need can do that. He was blind, they were not, and so therefore he was not going to be stopped. If you are trying to get the attention of Jesus you can not be pushed away by the opinion of men.
(3) We do not always know when Jesus stops. Remember Bartimaeus is blind and so when Jesus stopped, it was a great moment in his life but the truth is that he didn't know it because he could not see it happening. Just because you can't see God working doesn't mean that He is not. He might have stopped in the heaven lies but you can't see it in the earthly. That is why we have faith.
(4) Sometimes God uses the same people that were rebuking you one minute to bring you to Him the next minute. Be open to what ever God wants to do in your life and to whom ever He wants to use to do it.
(5) You have to leave the thing that identified you with your former life. For Bartimaeus it was a beggars coat. For you it might be an attitude, it might be hurt, it might envy, but what every it is you have to leave it and move forward.
(6) Be direct with Jesus. If you have the faith to cry out and if He has to mercy to stop then know that He has the power to do what you ask. So ask and be plain. Tell Him what you want. Talk Crazy Faith to God.
These are just a few of the points that we have been talking about during the last several weeks on Sunday morning. If you would like to listen or download the messages you can at the church website.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
Marching Into the Mission

The World is a very large place, and so when we talk about missions it is easy for us to get overwhelmed by the mere magnitude of it all. I mean really how is someone in Decatur Alabama suppose to make a different in Kenya ,Africa? The truth of the matter is that when God specks to us about going into all the world that is exactly what He means. So many people think that all they have to do is give money to missionaries, which is important, and they have done all that God has required. What they don't understand is that God has equip us all to take the gospel into our world. I mean let's face it we all live in the world and so when He says go into all the world that is what He mean, GO. Go to your neighbors, go down the street, go to work telling them about Jesus. What ever you do just go. God never said that we had to go around the world but just that we had to go in the world around us. We are suppose to taking the word of God to a dying world that is in need of Him and the only way that can happen is if we go and do what God has called us to do. GO